religious education
what we offer
Religious Education classes will run from September-April on Sunday Mornings from 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM for students in Kindergarten - 5th grade. This includes preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion. These are led by catechists using our chosen curriculum from Sophia Press and Ascension. All Classes are safe environment trained. If you would like to volunteer or serve in any capacity, please let us know.
Confirmation classes (for students in 6th grade or who are older and still in need of the sacrament) will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM at the same time as Youth Group.

how to register for
religious education
Fill out the Registration Form below. Please return them to the Parish Office or email Jodi to register online. ​
Got questions? Contact Jodi Homeyer, Director of Children’s Faith Formation, at jodi@stm-ou.org

how to register for confirmation
Visit the Youth Ministry page to learn more about the program and how to register for Confirmation.
Got questions? Contact Jordan Ross, Director of Youth Ministry and Confirmation at jordan@stm-ou.org